Classe 2B Liceo Linguistico

Progetto "Acqua Bene Comune"

Coordinato per la Classe 2BL dalla Prof.ssa Antonella Marrazzo


Powtoon by: Luca S, Emanuel, Tarik, Luca M. 


Create a 5 minute presentation on the water crisis in your particular country (Ethiopia, Kenya, Honduras, Bangladesh, India).

Your presentation will want to convince a judge why your country’s water crisis is most dangerous / desperate / severe.  


Why does my country deserve help with the water crisis more than the other 4 countries?

The most powerful argument will be the group who is most persuasive, organized, and who has the best facts and images. Remember, images are very powerful, especially when they’re explained well.


Describe the water crisis in your country.


What factors are causing this water crisis?  Why is it happening?


Provide statistical information about how the water crisis is hurting the country’s people.


Provide your recommendations.


What are at least 2 recommendations that you can suggest to help solve the water crisis here?


Use supporting evidence from your research  

Progetto Water Crisis 


by Sofia, Valentina, Anais, Silvia


Click sull'immagine per vedere il nostro video

Progetto Water Crisis


Animaker video by Anna, Giada, Sofia

Progetto Water Crisis


By: Anna, Giada, Sofia

Powered by emaze

Progetto Water Crisis


By: Eleonora, Sephora, Igea and Denisa

Progetto ReadOn for eCLIL

Realizzato da una rete di scuole con il patrocinio del MIUR: Liceo Percoto, Liceo Marinelli e Liceo Copernico di Udine, ISIS Magrini-Marchetti di Gemona del Friuli e ISIS Paschini di Tolmezzo.

Scuola Capofila Liceo Caterina Percoto

Dirigente Scolastica: Prof.ssa Gabriella Zanocco

Via Piersilvio Leicht, 4 — 33100 Udine


Tel: (+39 0432 501275)